At MAKE UP FOR EVER, we seek to create a pleasant online shopping experience for you. If, for any reason, you are not entirely satisfied with our product(s), you may request to return any item in its original condition for a full refund within 14 business days* from the date of delivery.

Refunds will be issued to the original form of payment. Shipping and handling charges will not be refunded. Please allow up to 14 business days for your refund to be issued. The time to post a credit to your account can vary and is determined by the issuing bank.

If the item you wish to return was not purchased through makeupforever.sg or MAKE UP FOR EVER Official Store, kindly contact the place of purchase for resolution.

MAKE UP FOR EVER reserves the right to deny returns that, in its sole discretion, do not meet the return policy requirements, in instances of abuse, or for items that were re-sent at no cost following a report of non-receipt. Returns that are denied will not be returned to you.

*Inclusive of mail returns to store


If you have second thoughts about your online order, we offer a return option under the following conditions:

     • The item must be in its original condition for the return to be accepted. This means that the product packaging should remain unopened, unused, unmarked, and undamaged.
     • If you purchased a product as part of a bundle or multi-item pack, the entire bundle must be returned together to qualify for a refund.
     • Please note that our return policy does not extend to items labelled as non-exchangeable or non-returnable at the time of purchase, which includes sale items.

For your convenience, returns can be completed in two ways:

(a) In-Store Returns: Bring the product and proof of purchase to our MAKE UP FOR EVER Official Store . Our staff will assist you with the return process.

(b) Returns by Mail: Contact our customer service team for instructions on how to mail your return to us. Ensure that items are securely packaged to prevent damage during transit.

Alternatively, write to us HERE or at cs@makeupforever.sg if you have any questions about whether your item is eligible for return.

(a) In-store Returns

Purchases made at the MAKE UP FOR EVER Official Store can be returned in-store.

391 Orchard Road #B1-30A
Takashimaya Shopping Centre, Ngee Ann City
Singapore 238872


1. Email us at cs@makeupforever.sg with the following details:

     • Order information
     • Subject "Returns"
     • Product(s) to be returned.
     • Reason(s) for returning the Product(s)
     • A photograph of the Product(s) to be returned, and
     • Any other relevant supporting documentation.

2. Our team will get back to you within 3-5 business days to review your request and respond with approval to proceed with the return. Once approved, carefully repackage the product(s) in their original packaging. Refunds will be issued to the original form of payment.


It is normal for the shipping package to show some wear, however, if you think a product in your shipment is damaged or defective, please write to us at cs@makeupforever.sg within 72 hours of receiving your order.

Be sure to include the following information for the fastest service:

     • Order Number
     • Item Description
     • Subject "Returns"
     • Picture of the damage or defect
     • Picture of the outer shipping box indicating any damage or wear
     • Picture of the shipping label located on the shipping box.

To ensure prompt resolution, please keep the original shipping package and the damaged or defective product for inspection.